Periodically causes Earthquakes that slow down and damage monsters in the area. When merging, causes a Rockfall that additionally slows down all monsters and inficts damage depending on their health loss.
When the Minotaur is merged, appears on the field or increases rank, all Minotaurs go into Berserker mode for 15s. In Berserker mode, the damage caused by earthquakes is increased by 50%
When the Minotaur is merged, appears on the field or increases rank, all Minotaurs go into Berserker mode for 20s. In Berserker mode, attack speed is increased by 400%, and an area attack and bonus damage equal to 100% earthquake damage is received. The Minotaur stops using Earthquakes
When the Minotaur appears on the field, he stuns all the monsters on his path for 2s. Once a target has been stunned, it may not be stunned again
When the Minotaur appears, he stuns 3 units on the opponent's field for 3s. Does not work in Co-Op and Clan Attack
The Earthquake damage leaves a Crack effect on the monster, which increases the damage inflicted by the earthquake for each of these effects by 5%. Maximum damage cannot exceed 300%
With each main attack, the damage of the Minotaur and his summoned Earthquakes is increased by 10%. Maximum damage cannot exceed 400%. Bonus damage is reset when the target is changed
The Minotaur's critical damage chance is increased for each Minotaur on the field by 0,4%. Additionally increases critical chance in Berserker mode by 4%